Plan Design

Plan Design Consulting and Investment Selection

As your representative and primary contact, Klaas Financial provides advocacy and assistance to you. Our job is to proactively ensure that your service provider will help us to analyze and offer strategies and services for improving plan performance regarding:

  • Participation rates
  • Deferral rates
  • Asset allocations

Plan Design Consultation

Certain plan design features, particularly auto enrollment, auto annual increase programs, and target date fund defaults, have helped many participants make enormous strides toward fiscal security in retirement.

Investment Option Selection and Fund Menu Design

As the Plan Sponsor, you are responsible for designating the investment options for the plan, and monitoring those investments on an ongoing basis as the plan fiduciary. Your advisor can provide you with information to assist you in carrying out certain fiduciary responsibilities:

  • To help you select, monitor, and evaluate your plan’s investment options
  • To help you to stay informed about new investments from your provider

Investment Performance Monitoring

Even with the most rigorous initial fund selection process, it is important to prudently monitor the investment options in the plan. Regular reviews focused on investment performance, fund fees, and suitability for your employees are important considerations in making investment decisions. Together, we can:

  • Evaluate performance of investment options
  • Provide relevant benchmarking data
  • Analyze investment fees and expenses relative to plan services
  • Provide tools and reports for periodic review of investment options

Model Portfolio Services

  • Mitigate fiduciary risk & liability
  • Increase participant satisfaction by simplifying investment decisions
  • Maintain participants’ appropriate asset allocation strategy to meet their retirement goals

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